2024-2025 Season Pricing
Tuition is based on a yearly fee that is broken up into 10 equal payments/month. Some months may have 3 classes some months may have 5. No adjustments on tuition will be made for closings. If a dancer misses a class they may do a make-up class in another existing class.
DANCEWEAR / Costumes
Your child's Physical Fitness, Self-Confidence, Social Skills,
Mind-Body Connection, Creative Expression and Life Skills
$$$ PRICLESS $$$
XSC-LC $26 + tax
SA - XLA $30 + tax
Studio issued leotard (payment due upon registration)
Toddler Tights $11
​Child Tights $13
Adult Tights $15
Ballet Shoes $32
Combo 1 Tap Shoes $47
Jazz Shoes $50
Tap Shoes $97
Hip Hop Sneakers $52
Costume Deposit(s) of $50 per costume due by November 1
Costume balances are due February 1
Recital costumes: $100 each +tax
Company costumes are $110 + tax
$10/costume LATE FEE after 11/10 for deposits and after 2/10 for costume balances.
Production Fee: $100/Family
CM/Combo 1/Combo 2 prop kit
Company prop kit
Competition entrance fees
Company warm-up suit
Company makeup
Company jewelry
• Dress appropriately and come prepared.
• Don’t chew gum or bring food/drink into the studio.
• Never wear dance shoes outside the studio or wear street shoes in the studio.
• Check taps for loose screws before you step onto the dance floor.
• Don’t wear dangling or sharp-edged jewelry.
• Come to class showered with brushed teeth or freshened breath.
• Leave your stuff in your cubbies.
• Don’t come late and if you do, enter quietly.
• Don’t leave early. If you must, talk to the teacher before class. If you need to exit in an emergency, exit as quickly and discreetly as possible.
• Don’t talk while the teacher is talking. Not even whispering to the person next to you.
• NO cell phones in the studio.
• Listen first, then ask questions.
• Respect the personal space of others.
• Respect the dance space. Pick up your trash, and your clothes, and don’t touch things that do not belong to you.
• Watch your language, even when you mess up.
• Don’t “hang or slouch on the barre or anywhere else. Be attentive at all times. Beware of negative body language like folded arms and never sit down unless you are asked to.
• If you are late, don’t apologize until after class. Wait for the music to stop before entering.
• If you are sitting out, sit tall and never lie down.
• Give the instructor space but not too much space.
• Avoid the front unless you really know the combination.
• Refrain from correcting others. (that is the teacher's job).
• Don’t quit in the middle… of the room, of the combination, or of the class. Go with the flow if you are lost or confused. Never stop traffic.
• Part like the Red Sea when exiting. Other dancers in the next class need to start on time.
• It is okay to mark combinations while waiting for your turn if you are out of the way.
• If you find you have too many questions about something, wait until the end of class.
• At the end of class applaud and thank the instructor.
• Do not visibly yawn or show boredom.
• Never give your 2 cents to the choreographer/teacher unless your opinion has been asked for.
• Do not photo or record anything without permission from the instructor.